

2009年3月30日台灣智慧財產法院正式駁回美商埃索拉美國公司(Isola USA Corporation,下稱Isola公司)對於先前該公司於2009年1月15日所提出之抗告聲請。本案到此結案,Isola公司無法再度抗告,本公司獲得勝訴。




Taiwan Union Technology Corporation (“TUC”) is pleased to announce that the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court rejected Isola USA Corporation’s (“Isola”) appeal on March 30, 2009. The Court had previously denied Isola’s application for a preliminary injunction on January 15, 2009. Declaring that there is no finding of infringement, the Judge officially closed the case to further appeal or action. The civil complaint filed by TUC against Isola in the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court on January 19, 2009 claiming damages resulting from Isola’s false accusations and harassment remains outstanding. TUC was established in 1974 and became a publicly traded company in 2003. TUC is a leader in its field and supplies materials to esteemed PCB manufacturers worldwide. To serve its customers, TUC invests heavily in research and development to ensure that TUC’s products deliver unparalleled value.

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